

Welcome to Styled to Smile.

Styled to Smile is a beauty and fashion blog that provides a safe space for women to connect over personal style, fashion inspiration, passionate expression, and creativity. A place where devotion to creating your best self and indulgence in Fashion that Fills You is encouraged.

Our New (temporary) Normal - Work From Home Tips

Our New (temporary) Normal - Work From Home Tips

HEY Hey Hey….

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on the blog…. SORRY!!

Crazy enough; this whole “quarantine” thing we’re all doing in reaction to the COVID-19 virus came at an opportune time for me. I honestly feel I was moments away from the other side of the cliff… I was heading toward burn out, and I was going to get it BAD. Being forced to slow down and rethink how I do things was a blessing in disguise.

That being said, this virus and pandemic is not a blessing. I am so very torn to use the expression because of just how many lives it has claimed and how many are ill. We are going through one of the most trying times in our more recent history and it is reshaping our society each day that it continues. I cannot give enough praise and thanks to all of the people out there keeping the world going. I cannot say how grateful I am to have a job considered “essential” to the economy, and cannot express my gratitude enough that I get to do it at home. I have never had eyes so wide at just how fortunate I am.

Ok, THAT being said, now…. back to the topic at hand. I was about to BURN TF OUT.

Namast’ay in Bed, okay?

Namast’ay in Bed, okay?

Work was overwhelming, my home life felt chaotic, my heart was hurting from loss, finances felt strained, and I lost the enjoyment I felt for some of my favorite hobbies and activities (i.e. writing and taking photographs… hence there being no February + March blog post….).

So yeah, being able to basically hit the ‘reset’ button on my life, daily routine, and soul was a huge relief. I still have my usual structure for work because I’m reporting M-F 8am-5pm like normal, but now I have about an hour back in time I would have spent commuting + all the time I used to spend on the road traveling to meetings + a lot more grace. I’m using my brain in ways I hadn’t before because I have to get creative to figure out new sales tactics to survive in a face-to-face-less business world. I’m forcing myself to be brave and push boundaries and just try. I’m saving money because I’m eating all three meals a day (and eating 3 meals a day - like WOW, anyone who knows me knows that is NOT normal) cooked at home. I’m able to spend more time with Brandon because he is home too, which has been great for our relationship. Less client meetings and no commute = not so much reason for over time, so I’m working on seeing my free evenings as ‘me’ time instead emptiness. I am able to spend more time on myself because I’m not running to the store or forcing myself to shop or decorate or do something (anything, literally… I never noticed before that I just never ever stopped. Down time = ‘do more things time’ in my mind apparently). I’m getting back to posting on Poshmark and writing a blog like this. I’m letting myself spend less time getting ready and giving my skin a much needed break. I’m listening to my body and moving when I need to and trying to be better about stretching.

I’m getting back to me. And it’s because I was able to create space in my life + slow down. How beautiful. What a blessing in disguise.

So yeah, things outside are scary. But I’m keeping things inside light, warm, and happy. I think that is what is keeping me going.

Figuring out a new *temporary* normal is scary… and hard. One of the best silver linings though (and I know I’ve already said a lot of them) is that this time, we are all in this together. You are not alone in any struggle you feel. Someone out there shares it with you, most likely in more ways than one.

Some of us are missing our coworkers - reporting to work as ‘business as usual’ (though nothing is usual). Some of us are at home struggling with focus and motivation as we perform ‘business as usual’ (though nothing is usual). Some of us are having to brave realities scarier than they prepared for as they care for the sick. Some of us are sick. Some of us are suddenly without work. Some of us are scared we’re days away from that call. No one is unaffected - and because of that concept alone - we’re all in this together.

I can’t speak to anyone’s reality or experience in this pandemic - but mine. Like I mentioned earlier, I am fortunate enough to not only be working still - but am able to work from home. So if it helps even one person, I wanted to share not only what’s been keeping me going, but also how I’ve been staying motivated and focused every [work] day. Here’s my top 3:

NUMBER ONE Get ready for the day like normal, but sub in sweatpants and slippers. Do your hair, wear as much makeup as you want, and wear business only on top. I bought two new pairs of sweats from Target right before the quarantine and I am SO GLAD. They have become my uniform. Also, fuzzy slippers are a must to keep things warm while you work. I get cold even in my home office (it’s nice and nostalgic that way) so I keep them and a sweater near by always. I typically say this about blazers, but lipstick is my battle armor when working from home. I will always do at least my eyebrows and lipstick. If I don’t, I’m sick - call for help.

NUMBER TWO Establish a daily routine that mirrors the schedule you normally follow, but give yourself a break where you can. I can this my “quar-routine”. I like doing this so that my week days have the same rhythm as usual work days but with more grace. If you work out and figure that into your quar-routine - power to you - you’re my idol. I don’t, so my routine revolves more so around coffee and potty breaks, like normal. I wake up by drinking coffee and reading emails, get ready (just eyebrows, lips, and hair), work until about 10am when I need more coffee (and a selfie break), I eat breakfast with B, then work until lunch, eat lunch with B [I never eat regularly WHAT IS THIS CONCEPT], attend 1 million conference calls, potty break, work more, potty break, play with Bridget because she’s whining (lol), more client calls, and eventually log out around 6pm, like normal.

NUMBER THREE Set up a space that you enjoy being in. Let’s face it - being home, but being “at work” at the same time is tough. I’m willing to bet that your space isn’t set up for the work you do most likely, and your space isn’t somewhere you’re used to spending 8 hours. Mine wasn’t, and it made me want to get up every 5 seconds. Focusing like that is impossible - so I created a space that I enjoy being in so that I will actually sit still for hours at a time.

For me, top three tips inside this ‘tip’ are this:

  1. Sit as close to natural light as you can, in a space where you can close the door.

  2. Have a dedicated space for your coffee cup coaster + water cup, but eat meals away from your work area so the lines of ‘work’ and ‘break’ don’t get blurred.

  3. Keep a candle lit nearby

Good luck everyone - who knows how long this will go on, but know that we’re in it together. If you are struggling - REACH OUT. I am here for you.

Stay home, stay health, stay safe.


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