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How to: At Home Spa Day

How to: At Home Spa Day

Sunday Spotlight on Self Care

Last week’s blog post had me inspired. After opening up about how self care can look really different for different people and how non-traditional it can really be, I wanted to take a moment to look at the other end of the spectrum - at the super traditional version of self care. The one most people default to when they think of how to give themselves a little special treatment. The one with the luxurious robe, the chocolate covered strawberries, champagne, the mud masks, hot tub, steam room, massage, manicurist, etc… Do you know what I’m getting at? I know you guessed it. I’m of course talking about the spa day.

Spa days are magnificent quite honestly. The kind of days dreams are made of.

However; this kind of traditional spa day can be incredibly pricey, and not everyone can budget to make this kind of self care a regular habit or routine. Let’s be honest, most of us reserve heading to a day spa for special occasions because they feel more special and are pricier than what we might do for ourselves normally, am I right? I’m willing to bet I am. But don’t go thinking that you don’t deserve that same kind of special treatment you’d get at there just because you can’t run down to some fancy spa ever time you need a little ‘you’ time.

You can have a super special spa day - even in a tiny one bedroom apartment bathroom, for no more than the cost of some bubble bath and a bottle of champagne. Here’s How:


Spend a little bit of time making the space special.

Sure, this is your bathroom at the end of the day, but right now it’s not. Right now, you are transforming it into your spa, your oasis, your special space. I don’t know about you, but my bathroom isn’t somewhere I usually can just hang out in. So that’s why I think it’s so important to set up your space in a way that helps transport you from reality to relaxation. You need to create a space where you can let go of your thoughts, sink into yourself, and indulge in this treat you are about to give yourself. Spas are special places so don’t feel silly putting in a little extra time and effort when making your special bathroom spa.


Go the extra mile with “unnecessary details”

They are more than necessary when transforming a space. I love flowers, so if I’m creating an oasis there obviously needed to be a lot of them. I borrowed a vase from the living room and sprinkled some of the flower petals in the water for an extra special bath. For a tranquil touch, light lots of candles so that the only light you need is them. Some soft music playing in the background and you may be ready to start enjoying this special space you’ve just created…


Gather the right supplies.

But first - gather the right supplies. When you go to a spa, they invite you into their calming atmosphere by giving you a soft robe, slippers, and a glass of champagne, right? Well, It is no different at your bathroom spa, so grab your robe and slippers to wear while filling the bath after you’ve prepped your space.

To make sure that you can relax and stay in a “spa state of mind” during the entirety of this ‘you time’, I suggest having everything you might need in one place. I like to keep a basket of bath bombs, salts, bubble baths, lotions, etc. for this reason. I love having all of these items in an easy to grab basket so that I never have to over think what I might want or need while I’m in my bathroom spa. I always fill the tub with bubbles first, and then add a bath bomb later. I love a good smelling oil bath that leaves my skin feeling soft, great smelling, and well pampered. I strongly suggest investing in some bath bombs and a few great bubble bath formulas to have on hand whenever the opportunity for some ‘you time’ arises. You won’t regret it, I promise.


Last but not least; don’t forget the bubbly

Everything bubbly - bubbles in my bath & bubbles in my glass. After all, nothing says spa day the way a glass of champagne in a bubble bath does.

That’s it! It really is that simple.

Do you ever give yourself At Home Spa Days?

Share your ideas for transforming your space into a special spa below!


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