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Styled to Smile is a beauty and fashion blog that provides a safe space for women to connect over personal style, fashion inspiration, passionate expression, and creativity. A place where devotion to creating your best self and indulgence in Fashion that Fills You is encouraged.

Taking the Stress OUT of Getting Dressed

Taking the Stress OUT of Getting Dressed

Getting ready in the morning can be a stressful event (especially for those of us who suffer from anxiety)… but it doesn’t HAVE to be!


Here’s some ways to take the pressure off in the mornings:

1) Plan ahead

Totally understand that this is almost an annoying hint.. especially a #1 hint. BUT IT WORKS. Don’t just think of what you might wear tomorrow - plan everything all the way out. What do you have to do tomorrow? How’s your week set up to go... should you wear something that boosts your confidence or mood? How much running around will you be doing.. can you actually wear the shoes all day that go with that outfit you thought of? Are the things that make that outfit work (ie, undershirts, socks, appropriate undergarments) clean and easy to find?

Things like that. Think through how your day is going to go & plan accordingly. Pick out something that is functional + makes you feel good about yourself, and then pull it out and have it all ready. You don’t have to get it down to science like I do, but if you take a little bit of time to plan ahead I guarantee you’ll wake up confident and ready to take on that morning routine.

2) Have a routine for washing your clothes

Planning ahead takes a lot of thought, like I mentioned above. That alone sort of is a double edged sword - while it takes the pressure off in the mornings, it could create stress the night before. One thing I like to do to help that effect is to make sure I wash and dry clean my clothes regularly so I can know what to expect when I start to plan out my outfits. No point in planning on something that’s dirty!

3) Have a go-to back-up outfit always ready

Sometimes I wake up and have totally changed my mind as to how I want my look to come off that day. So, instead of fretting (which is what I do usually do - no one is perfect here) I will settle for something I have mentally pre-approved (and previously worn!!) so that I can throw something on and go. This usually centers around an easy dress and staple accessories. It is always good to have a handful of outfits that you don’t mind wearing over again so that you can fall back on them in times of need.

4) Life hack: hang all of your go-to options on a roller rack & keep your closet organized.

This doesn’t work if you don’t have the space for it, granted - but if you do, a roller rack is an amazing life hack. When all of my work pants/slacks/skirts are clean, my favorite thing to do is to make outfits out of each of them and display them on my roller rack. This way in the morning, putting on clothes is literally a no-brainer. I just look at my rack that day and pick out whatever matches the vibe I’m feeling for what is on my agenda. You can always mix and match (but remember to come back to the pieces that have been left behind and make a new outfit with them. You don’t want them to become lonely items on the rack taking up space and cluttering your “go-to” pile). Another important part of this system is the organization of your overall closet. Making these outfits only works if you’re picking items that you know fit and are comfortable to wear. There’s no point in a go-to outfit that you’ll hate wearing all day long… that’s exactly the opposite of the point. If you’re questioning a piece in a new outfit, before you hang it on the rack be sure to try it on. In your main closet, never keep something hanging that doesn’t fit. You don’t necessarily have to throw it out (lord knows I’m holding onto all my designer pencil skirts for the day I’m finally a zero again…. LOL) but maybe consider separating them from the mass so that it’s not cluttered. Sort of like organizing for season changes, organize for size changes too.

Click here for the Roller Rack I’m using below:

From Left to Right:Date night - My favorite go-to date night dress from Goodnight Macaroon, paired with purple Jessica Simpson pumps for a fun pop of colorFriday Casual - Jeans day, paired with a simple tee and my favorite suede jacket8 Professional…

From Left to Right:

Date night - My favorite go-to date night dress from Goodnight Macaroon, paired with purple Jessica Simpson pumps for a fun pop of color

Friday Casual - Jeans day, paired with a simple tee and my favorite suede jacket

8 Professional wear outfits - ready to go for the 4 days of the week I have to dress in full business attire, with an equal amount of alternate outfits in case I’m just not feeling the others!

*Disclaimer about the elf costume on the far left: this picture was taken in late November when I was getting ready for a Christmas charity event, Angels in the Alley, that is put on every year for the foster children of Koinonia Foster Homes. It is always a great time and a wonderful cause. Email me for more info if interested.

I will have to talk more about closet organization in it’s own post, because there’s so much more I could add - but in the theme of keeping it simple… that’s that for now!

How do you take the stress out of getting dressed in the morning?

Share your tips on making the morning go smoothly below :)


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