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Styled to Smile is a beauty and fashion blog that provides a safe space for women to connect over personal style, fashion inspiration, passionate expression, and creativity. A place where devotion to creating your best self and indulgence in Fashion that Fills You is encouraged.

More Lash Secrets

More Lash Secrets

SO last month I shared with you my trick for THICK looking lashes… This month?

More Lash Secrets are out.

Here’s how I get my lashes so long and so soft:

BABE LASH Essential Serum is a must have in my beauty arsenal. This baby seriously works, but let me tell you - you have a process to get through before these long, beautiful, soft lashes will be your ‘norm’.

For me it was about 7 weeks and then I got my desired results. Thinking like that sounds like a long time? Think again.

Your lashes go through a normal growth cycle every 4 weeks or so, so really, it just takes two normal growth cycles for your lashes to totally transform into the lashes you’ve always wanted. Easy peasy. Essentially, you’re speeding up their growth process… so give them time to adjust before you judge.

After the first 3 weeks I already saw amazing results and found myself sharing them on Instagram instantly. I realized they weren’t as uniform and fluffy as I hoped, but I was still super jazzed on the length (I mean, they touched my eye brows for heavens sake!) Much to my dismay though - on week 4 I felt like all of those new beautiful lashes had fallen out and I was left with nothing but short sparse lashes instead. I thought, “crap. I shared too fast and look what happened”. Fortunately my friend convinced me to stick it out and also explained what I had experienced.

My lashes had just gone through their first growth cycle!

And had naturally shed off, as they do. The short lashes I was looking at were all of the new growth that was coming in behind those old lashes that got stimulated to grow faster than normal and fell off (faster than maybe normal). So I rode the short and full lash wave for about another 2 weeks while they grew.

About week 7 I noticed my lashes were not only as long as they were before and were also still super full! Even better, they’re perfectly soft and easy to curl.

I use my BABE LASH every day (twice a day sometimes)… under my makeup, and while I sleep. I haven’t had but maybe one other instance since where I feel like my lashes grew in inconsistent which is pretty dang impressive. I love this stuff.

10/10 recommend


Primed & Ready - my trick for THICK lashes

Primed & Ready - my trick for THICK lashes