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Styled to Smile is a beauty and fashion blog that provides a safe space for women to connect over personal style, fashion inspiration, passionate expression, and creativity. A place where devotion to creating your best self and indulgence in Fashion that Fills You is encouraged.

For my dog lovers - There's something called an inflata-cone and it's so awesome I had to share.

So, this isn’t a normal Styled to Smile “Featured Favorite” share, but when something is really good - you let other people know about it.

We recently had our two year old Golden Retriever, Bridget - Fluffy B - Baby B - Choo Chi, spayed. It was a long time coming; we signed a contract when we bought her that we would wait until she was two (she’s an AKC Pure Bred Golden and there’s standards you have to sign off on to receive certificate). Any way, her doggy periods were soooo rough on her though that waiting was actually pretty hard on us. It’s hard to put your baby through something like surgery, no matter how normal that is, but when her doggy periods were as rough as they were this was such a good thing and we all were looking forward to it.

However, we all know what getting spayed entails…. the cone afterwards.


This isn’t Fluffy B’s first surgery, so she’s not a stranger to the cone, but that didn’t stop her puppy parents from worrying how wearing it for a full 10 days would effect her. Many dogs act like they’re being shamed when they have to wear it, will avoid eating their food because of inconvenience, or never stop pawing at it trying to get it off. You know it can’t be comfortable and to a dog I’m sure it feels like some form of punishment.

When I heard about these inflatable cones, I knew I was going to get one for Bridget for this surgery. While she was down I went and got one. I changed her ugly regular cone for this fabulous inflata-cone after the first day and just look how much more relaxed she is:

Okay I’m kidding - sort of. Look at that face! That’s the face of a dog that doesn’t feel ashamed, or like she’s being punished, or like she’s uncomfortable. Also look at that little orange ring on the cone. That thing is an essential oil infused “calming ring” that comes with the cone to help encourage your dog to stay quiet while they heal. There’s a strap to wrap around their bod to help keep it in place too, but we didn’t end up using it. Bridget didn’t try to take it off, so really there was no need.

Best thing was how affordable. Only $26.00 at Petsmart, and you just blow it up yourself. So easy it’s a no brainer.

10/10 recommend over a traditional cone


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