

Welcome to Styled to Smile.

Styled to Smile is a beauty and fashion blog that provides a safe space for women to connect over personal style, fashion inspiration, passionate expression, and creativity. A place where devotion to creating your best self and indulgence in Fashion that Fills You is encouraged.

Clothing Turn-Over

Clothing Turn-Over

Let’s talk about clothing turn-over — the rate at which we go through clothing. For me, it’s more like Closet turn over, because I almost never get rid of anything it seems. I have so many garments from college and even a few pieces from high school (okay that’s embarrassing..) BUT! in my defense, I don’t grow [LOL]. Kidding, but you know what I mean. I’m 4’11” and it’s been that way since the 7th grade. ANYWAY, in the spirit of being our most fabulous selves, showing up for ourselves, loving ourselves, and treating ourselves right, I say it is time for the Clothing Over-Turn discussion.

I wanted to set this post up in sort of a “Q and A” style so to answer some of the FAQ from the Styled to Smile launch party, and to pose some questions for you to ask yourself as well. I do my best reflecting when I share with a friend, so here goes:




Q and A

How often do you personally go through your wardrobe?

I always wonder this too because of how very seldom it is I actually completely over-turn my wardrobe, so it’s no wonder to me someone asked this. I already mentioned that it seems I rarely get rid of my clothes because my closet is so dang full. Often times holding onto your clothes like this can lead you to feel like you’re in a rut with your style or look which then turns into an intense, burning desire to go shopping. Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration or just me, but it does lead to you feeling less fabulous than you are/really can be!! and that’s a shame. 

It is so hard to see what options we have when we are simultaneously looking at the clutter we’ve collected throughout the years. Often times we can hide the clutter from ourselves via mass organization (did I just call myself out?) but in the end, all that extra isn’t making getting dressed any easier.

All this being said, I think realistically I go through my wardrobe seasonally. When the seasons change usually my style will too, at least a little, which prompts me to get in there and audit. I may not completely get rid of the clothes, but I do pull forward what’s seasonally appropriate and shuffle the others toward the back to live until next season. I think after writing this though, my challenge will be to make sure that each season not only prompts organization, but a goodwill bag to go with it. The effort put into cleaning out your closet will help you move into new styles and to keep you out of a style rut.

Another reason it’s worth putting the effort in to go through your closet? It feels SO GOOD to slough off the excess. Like, good for your soul. Reducing the clutter that is old memories stored in clothes, the clutter that is clothes that remind you of a weight you once were, the clutter in excess…. it feels so good. Trust me & try it. If you feel like you’re in a rut in your LIFE, start with your closet. Usually if there’s a problem in your life, there’s a problem in your closet; and you can’t get out of the big rut if you don’t start somewhere.

How long does a piece of clothing last before you replace it or just get rid of all together?  When do you deem a garment ready to replace?

Those are really good questions. Really.. I wrote that second one myself, I know. [lol, I think I’m funny].  But no, in all seriousness I had someone ask me the first question and I think it’s a really good one.

Let’s get one thing straight going into this - I don’t truly believe in typical fashion rules. SHOCKING, I know. But why on earth would we limit ourselves in an area of life that is meant for creative expression? Think on that. Granted, you should never rock socks with sandals, and you should of course find an appropriate length skirt, and I mean don’t you dare walk out of the house in a white shirt with black bra... BUT what I mean by no fashion rules, is that fashion is timeless. Fades fade and often come back around again. So if you absolutely love something, keep it. 

HOWEVER; when the quality dies out, so does the garment. I think we can all agree on that. If it has collected dust, acquired a stain, armpits have worn out, hem has a rip, there is a small hole, etc. That is when you know it is time for it to go. 

If that item was a staple piece, meaning you paired it with everything; you should try to replace it. Most times though you shouldn’t have that as a qualifier for getting rid of the item. Just because you don’t have the piece to replace it with, but it is showing any of the above mentioned signs, don’t hesitate to throw it out. Same goes for if the piece of clothing doesn’t fit - try to replace, but don’t wait to get rid of it.

How to do decide if something is really “out of style” and if it is time for it to go?

OMG this is such a good one. Okay…. I admit it. I owned like, 12 crop tops from when those were all the rage in college and a majority of them are still sitting in my closet because I JUST DON’T KNOW WHY. Are they out of style? I mean, not really. Just not as ‘all-the-rage’ as they were. You have to be more strategic about the outfit you are putting together to wear one, in my opinion. But here’s the thing.. in style, out of style, whatever, they aren’t my style. And that’s what matters. I don’t feel comfortable in them, or like my best self, and I don’t ever find myself wearing something that works with one. So is it out of style? No. But is it out of my style? Yes.

Brb, bagging those up to give away.

How often should you go through your closet if you aren’t already doing that?

You already know I don’t go through my closet often, but I am trying to get better at getting in there and getting down and dirty more often.... I just HATE getting rid of clothes (unless they are going to someone who needs them, because really then it’s like, “take all my stuff!!!”).  But there does come a time when we all need to do it.

Seasonally seems to work for me, and if you live somewhere with distinct seasons I think there’s an ability to have a seasonal wardrobe and to follow this same schedule as well… feel me? If you don’t have distinct seasons where you live, you may need to get more creative or be more scheduled. Maybe you need to look at it as scheduling time with yourself every few months to check in on what you’re working with. I can’t say what will work best for you - but I do think having pre-decided times where you would go through your closet would be helpful. I recommend getting in there every 3 months if you’re a frequent shopper, and maybe every 6 months if you aren’t. Keeping on top of what’s in your closet will keep your ideas for new outfits fresh, and will strengthen your ability to quickly decide what you don’t really need or wear any more.

How can you afford to keep buying new clothes? I need to replace clothes that don’t fit…

Let’s face it, half the time we are forcing a piece to last because we 1) love the memories it holds, 2) we are afraid we will never be able to replace it, or 3) we don’t want to admit it doesn’t fit exactly right anymore… (The last one is my least favorite). I’ve already said that if you love something, like to the point where the thought of throwing it away is just impossible, keep it. But for those other items that are sitting around in your closet more out of a guilt or fear than anything else - toss it.

Not fitting our clothes the way we did before can be incredibly disappointing and can really hurt our self esteem. Ladies, we OWE IT TO OURSELVES to feel great in our clothing. So I say, any time that a piece doesn’t fit right anymore - replace it with something that does. Your size doesn’t define your beautiful, but how your clothes fit really impacts your confidence... and well, confidence is key (You know, “When you look good, you feel good”). Do yourself a favor and don’t undercut yourself. Do what you need to do to feel great naked and to be healthy yes, but also - don’t force yourself to fit a mold you once did because that’s what’s in your closet. Audit your closet and only keep the things that make you feel like your best self.  What aspect of your life do you half-ass? Exactly, so don’t half-ass your closet (and thus, your look) either. [Holding myself accountable on that!]

Anyway! Once I’ve fully convinced myself that it is “out with the old, in with the new!” and I have effectively thrown away all of the binding slacks that inevitably make me feel like a sausage every time I sit down, I think.. crap, I need pants. So what to do? First, I try to sell the clothes I’m parting with. Then I look to affordable places to shop, and typically Old Navy is my answer. They have awesome pants that are stretchy but also play off like straight leg slacks. I’m super short (as we already established) so the petite size pixie cut fit me like full length pants and it totally works. My tall friends love them too, as they sell sizes in regular and long as well. H&M is another favorite, and thrift stores are the all time go-to for in-between sizes and season fashions. You never know what greatness is just waiting there for you to find. 

When do you know it’s time to go through your closet and revamp?

Share your ideas for updating your wardrobe below!


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