Styled to Smile

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Mother's Day Special

A Thank you to Diana Edwards

I wouldn’t be me, without her. She’s not only my mom but also my best friend.

Mom - Thank you for always being there for me, for always looking out for me, for always making sure I have everything I need AND want, for helping me get a start in life, for always believing in me, for supporting all my decisions, for listening to be ramble about stuff everyday, for teaching me how to be a lady, for being my favorite shopping buddy….

Thank you for being you.

We all have her to thank for this blog, really.

Without her I would not have embraced so wholly my passion for fashion. For as long as I can remember, one of our absolute most favorite things to do together on the weekends was to go shopping. Sometimes, heck most times, they were entirely pointless trips and we would just wander to mall for hours going to every store. We would (and still do when we get the chance) wander the mall and talk about life, chat about nonsense, look at everything, come up with ideas for things, plan for future events, and just hang out. She’s always encouraged me to eat the world - to take in everything. To enjoy the small things and the simple pleasures that can be found in something mundane to others. To look at something with different eyes and to find the beauty in everything (well, unless it was horrendous blouse, outfit, etc. lol) but then that was even more fun because she encouraged me to speak my mind and to have an opinion! If something out there in the mall is god awful, we gotta say it! lol. Not all fashion is awesome and that’s the best part of it all - knowing that you’re always taking a risk and that if you aren’t, you aren’t having as much fun as you could be. That was a lesson in and of itself. Take risks or you’ll never have as much fun as you possibly could. She taught me all of that while walking around in the mall and I’m pretty sure she just thought we were critiquing clothes ;)

I’ve learned everything from her. And I still learn more, every day. I’m incredibly lucky to have her.

Happy Mothers Day
