Styled to Smile

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Dress For Success

You can have anything you want in life, if you dress for it ~ Edith Head

I don’t really know who this Edith Head woman is, but I like her style. I’ve always lived by this sort of motto. “Always dress for the job you want - not the job you have” is another good one. I like this one from my brother too, “Always act like you are supposed to be in the room, and no one will question it.” That’s gotten me into a lot of places I…. was supposed to be ;) lol.

There’s something about wearing your outfit with so much confidence that it becomes, like combat armor, basically. If you throw on a suit as if this is exactly what you wear always - why would anyone question if you are someone working in a profession that requires one to don a suit? Why would anyone question the importance of your day? Why would anyone question the competency of your decisions? They wouldn’t.

It works that way both externally and internally. When you put on a professional outfit or suit, you instantly feel elevated and more capable. When you see yourself as that professional person - your confidence spikes. When you’re feeling yourself, you hold yourself differently. It is this exhibition of confidence that demands respect. It is the exhibition of confidence that turns your outfit into combat armor. If you dress for success, there is nothing that day can throw at you that you won’t be able to figure out how to handle.

I had the pleasure of styling a good friend for her first interview outside of the medical profession a few months back. This would be her first job out of scrubs. I’ll never forget her face when she looked at herself in the dressing room mirror, slacks and blazer on, and said, “wow. This is how I want to always look. I feel like myself in this” - And THAT. That right there is what it’s all about.

Often, I see people falling into a rut with their work attire. When you have reached your desired career, or are no longer climbing a corporate ladder, or you aren’t out there chasing the next best thing, it’s easy to forget this principle and develop the habit of dressing for exactly the job and/or life you have. But have you ever wondered if how you are dressing is part of what is holding you back? If it’s had any impact on the way clients perceive you? If it’s sending the message that is authentic to who you are?

I hope you have wondered or thought about the last question, even if just a little. Our internal desires can either shine through or be hidden in how you present yourself in the world and at work. What we wear and how we present ourselves to others sends a message, one way or the other, whether we’re conscious of it or not (& whether we like it or not for that matter!)

Wearing a rotation of the exact same 5 outfits you have been wearing since being promoted to your current job can send the message that you don’t want to progress any further. Wearing ill-fitted clothes, wrinkly clothes, or clothes with holes in them sends the message that you don’t care. Wearing an outfit that doesn’t go together can send the message that you don’t mind details.

On the other hand, wearing a pressed shirt or dress can send the message that you care. Wearing matching accessories can send the message that you pay attention to detail. Wearing pants with a fitted hem can send the message that you think things through and know how to prepare. Wearing a suit, or any professional outfit, that is polished can send the message that you understand the importance of the job.

When you get dressed in the morning - ask yourself these questions:

“Is this outfit taking me closer to or farther away from achieving my goals?”,

“Am I communicating to the world how i want to be perceived and respected?”,

“Am I communicating to the world my competence and personality?”,

and the real kicker question:

“Am I rebelling against fashion because I’m actually rebelling against spending time on myself?”

 Most people reject taking time on themselves and their clothes in the morning, or to take the time to shop, because they wrap it up into that whole “self care is vanity and thinking about myself is bad” category.

I want to reassure you - IT IS OKAY.


Think about it; If you don’t invest the time and effort into yourself… why would anyone else?

I hope this inspires you to take pride in your look, to think about it in new ways, and to challenge yourself to dress in a way that let’s the world know what you’ve really got.

Dress for Success and bring out your inner best - That’s what being Styled to Smile is all about.
